do island nations have advantages over other countries?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 05:52:01
do island countries have better chances of becoming rich and powerful?

Have the advantage very much
1.Diplomacy convenience
2.Transport the convenience
3.The mineral is abundant
4.The tour industry is flourishing
Etc. ……
Have the advantage very much anyway

Island nations have advantages over other countries. First of all, most of the island nations are beautiful. For example, New Zealand is the place where I am staying,it is one of the most beautiful country in the world; secondly, island nations have rich seafood resources; thirdly, island nations are likely to have more fruits.

of course .it is better than other countryes in many aspects:in environemnet ,in economic,in tournism,etc.

