
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 16:43:53
双倍邮资 估算好时间,提前给你的朋友寄一封信,但不要贴邮票,也不要把自己的发信地址写上(不然就会退给你的)。这样愚人节这天,你的朋友将收到一张由邮局发给的取信通知单,被告知,他有一封欠资邮件,请到某某邮局办理处领取,并付上双倍的邮费。当他风尘仆仆地来到某某邮局,毕恭毕敬地奉送上双倍的邮费后,打开信封,却发现里边飘出一张小纸条,上面写着“愚人节快乐!”

送礼物 如果愚人节那天有人过生日,就送给他一个写着“生日快乐”的大盒子,把盒子里装满碎纸片,并将盒底弄松。当他拿起盒子时,盒底掉落,碎纸片飞得满屋都是,准得让那位被愚者收拾半个钟点。

Double postage estimates good time, a letter sent in advance to your friends, but not stamps, nor do they want their addresses to write a letter (or else turn back to you). This fool's day that day, one of your friends will be received from the post office to win orders and was told he owed - mail a letter, please be collected for certain offices, and pay twice the postage. When he traveled to certain offices, very respectful to the plate on the double postage, opened the envelope, they found a note inside began with the inscription : "fool's day happier! "
If the fool's day was the day of his birthday, give gifts, it gave him a read, "happy birthday" of the box, box filled with the shredding of films, and will make the end-song box. When he picked up the boxes and boxes of late fall,
shredding fly scrutinizing film is, soldiers who have been let out Fools half-time

Double postage estimates good time, a lett