
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 02:27:34

I have answered a similar question. See the link:


Whether you need a visa depends on your passport, not your PR Card. If you have a Chinese passport, sorry you will need a visa, and refer to the above link.

If you are from Hong Kong, you need your Hong Kong passport and your PR Card, and no visa.


1. 雇主信Employment letter(date hired、salary & position)
2. 工资单Pay slips and tax documents;
3. School letter with proof of tuition payment;
4. 移民纸Canada Immigration Form IMM-1000(原件)或枫叶卡;
5. 银行月结单Monthly bank statements.
6. 护照Passport;
7. 两张半年内照片。

申请美国签证Non-Immigrant Visa 过程回放
发布日期:5/27/2006 5:41:43 PM