
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 16:08:15
1. 现在看来,这些都是一些再普通不过的事情.

1. Now look , these is some again ordinary however matter. 2. I have hated her very much, in at heart secretly resist , but I do not retort her always, because me know her more disagreeable. 3. When making a mistake , should be modest to accept criticism , and can not transfer in the person who points out your mistake , this is for other person a kind of do not respect. 4. When I grow up gradually, me discovery my foresight of then is so young, it is so ridiculous and funny to have thought that pretty thing now looks. 5. To this is me just discover her say is treasures good speech. 6. Tight teacher makes high pupil. 7. Because he wants to let me become a perfect person , so has very high requirement for me. 8. He is not only for my special meaning because our blood pulse is linked.


1. Now look , these is some again ordinary however matter. 2. I have hated her very much, in at heart secretly resist , but I do not retort her always, because me know her more disa