排线器 英语怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:16:34

Traversing Drive
排线器词汇-资料收集汇总-感谢整理者WEST BANK
标签:综合类英语词汇 学习笔记

A Chinese-English Terminology of the Traversing Drive
(内部)轴承座中心之间的光轴长度。 length of shaft between the centres of the (inner) bearing blocks
V形减速凸轮 V-shaped slowdown cam
标准光轴: Standard shafts:
表面粗糙度: Surface roughness:
表面硬度: Surface hardness:
不停机回转光轴上运行的驱动器。 drive operating on the rotating shaft without standstill
不圆度: Out-of-roundness:
材料卷绕速度 speed of the material to be wound
材料偏移范围 area of the material deflection
侧向推力 Side thrust
程序控制 Sequence control
齿形刻度盘 serrated scale
传动力矩 drive torque
从列线图确定寿命(小时) Determine the life from the nomogram (in hours)
粗糙度 roughness height rating
弹簧换向机构 spring-operated reversing mechanism.
电刷 Wipers
防腐蚀 corrosion protection
防锈防酸光轴: Rust- and acid-proof shafts:
防锈光轴: Rust-proof shafts:
分离支架 separate carriage