
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 18:58:57

Nile conceived ancient Egypt civilization.From the from 4000 B.C. to 7 centry A.D., Egypt experiences successively 31 kings toward, and be close to thousand years of foreign tribe to rule, leave abundant civilization inheritance.Ancient Egypt civilization with the height of the material is flourishing to permeate with religion in each cultural realm for main special features.From one king toward go to the of dynastic more than 800 years of the 12, Egypt did not were invade by large-scale foreign tribe, on the political of unify over a long period of time with the stability, make the centralization system get the high development, stand erect the pyramid in the plateau of jisa(吉萨) , is a royalty vigorous period of marking;New Kingdom period, along with empire of establishment with extend, religion of popularize, the rites turn, the royalty and rule by divine rights combine together more closely, temple of the gods building enter a brilliancy period, there not only is a divine dwellin