请高手翻译几个句子(急急急 ) 万分感谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:13:22
1 人们对美的追去从未停止过。
2 也许有个好外表能给人一个好的第一印象,但如果缺少内在美,又能拿什么去维持它呢?
3 工人用辛勤的汗水浇灌出劳动成果,那是美;学生用自己勤工俭学挣到的钱完成学业,那是美;运动健儿用自己的努力,得到全场的喝彩,那是美。

1.People have never given up their pursuit of Beauty.
2.A good appearance may give people a good impression, but if the inner beauty is missing, how will it last long.
3.Beauty can be found in workers who have got their fruits of hardwork, in a student who helps himself go through his study with the money he earned by himself, in athletes who win their applauses from audience because of their effrots.

1. People never cease pursuing the beautiful.
2. Fine appearance may leave a nice first impression, but what can make it last without the participation of internal beauty?
3. Workers manufacture products with hard work, which is beautiful; students finish education with the money earned by part-time job, which is beautiful; athletes win the applause from the audiences with their effort, which is beautiful.

1 People never stop pursuing beauty,
2 Perhaps beautiful appearance can get you a good first impression, but if you lack beauty inside, how can y