
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 03:53:28
In a very real way Dr. Laurent's words and work are still working through the lives of his students and their students—like effective parenting lives on in our children's children. My professor was a sure and secure leader, one who wanted me to question which mountains were worth my climbing.
Over the years I've learned that generals come in all sizes and shapes. Sometimes we call them mentors, parents, friends or good teachers; sometimes thorns in our sides. Regardless of their titles, their steadfastness to worthy values and ideals inspires us to recalibrate our own, to want more from ourselves than what others may expect of us? And, their belief in us grants us the courage to transcend the safe harbor of doing something simply because we can.

在扎实地-林的话说,工作仍生活在老师和学生一样有效,父母对孩子的生命的孩子. 我教授领导的肯定和保障,我想这些问题值得我国高山攀登. 多年来,我知道将军是在大小和形状. 有时候称为导师、家长、朋友、好老师. 有时刺在身边. 不论其名称、价值观,坚定理想,使我们值得重新调整自己,更要在自己比别人期待? ,相信美国资助我们勇于超越的安全港,因为我们可以做.

In a very real way Dr. Laurent's words and work are still working through the lives of his students and their students—like effective parenting lives on in our children's children. My professor was a sure and secure leader, one who wanted me to question which mountains were worth my climbing.
Over the years I've learned that generals come in all sizes and shapes. Sometimes we call them mentors, parents, friends or good teachers; sometimes thorns in our sides. Regardless of their titles, their steadfastness to worthy values and ideals inspires us to recalibrate our own, to want more from ourselves than what others may expect of us? And, their belief in us grants us the courage to transcend the safe harbor of doing something simply because we can.
