
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 16:52:20



联系一下我吧,我正好有一个.NET的网上商城闲着呢,我没东西卖,你需要的话可以商量一下~ ~~~~QQ: 470020505

要展示么 ...

Project Introduction

This project is our major project in TAFE, our group has four people, I am the only one who does most of the technical work. I designed the template as well as the underlying system. My group mates are working on the admin panel for the system. I've been working on the system for about a month. The system is not completed yet!

Technical Specifications

- runs on both PHP 4 and 5
- runs on MySQL 4.x or above
- developed on Code Igniter (a PHP framework)
- developed on Windows and Mac
- developed on WampServer and Mamp
- developed on Komodo, TopStyle Pro and Textmate
- tested on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX
- tested in