
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 18:33:14

1. drink water
2. water

1. 她病得很重,吃什麽都吐出来,连喝水都吐。
She's so ill that nothing will stay down, not even water.
2. 新学院仍然是有钱人及其子孙们经常光顾的地方,他们去那里的主要目的倒不一定是为了求学长才。就是今天,我们也可以把马领到河边,但却没法让它非喝水不可。
New college remained largely the haunt of the well-to-do, their sons and their sons' sons, and the desire or ability to learn was a minor consideration. Even today you can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.
3. 那个囗渴的人渴喝水。
The thirsty man craved for water.
4. 他知道他的良心何在。但是责任何在呢?这个问题使他辗转难
He knew where his heart lay, but where did his duty lie? And so did he toss and turn, and get up for a drink of water, and knock over a pile of books.

下班: to come or go or get off work
Relative explainations:
<ring out> <off duty> <off from work> <get off work> <be off duty> <went off shift> <cone off guard> <