
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 08:33:12



I don't know how old you are, but if you can't read English, find somebody to translate it for you.

Your question is not clear. Let me assume your mother is now in USA and you are in China. In March this year, she submitted 2 applications. Why 2? She can submit a refugee claim for herself, but nobody else. She can't submit a refugee claim for you. You are confusing everyone.

Let me assume she submitted her refugee claim in March this year. She should have by now received her first hearing and submitted her support document. It may take her many years before receiving a confirmed status. Some refugee claimants have been living in USA for 10 years, without any status in light. USA government is detaining thousands of refugee claimants in jail, including about 5000 under 18 years of age.

Does your mother have a chance? Currently, there are 2 acceptable claims: (the first one I can't say oth