The Phantom of the oprea

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 12:02:52

the phantom of the opera
歌 剧 魅 影
It is 1911 and the contents of the Paris Opera House are being auctioned off. Present are the auctioneer, porters and bidders. Raoul, now seventy years old and in a wheelchair, buys a poster and a music box. As the auctioneer displays the Opera House chandelier, he explains that it is connected with the legend of the phantom of the opera. With a flash of light, the audience is flung back in time, when the Paris Opera was at its height.

Chandelier: n.装饰灯
该剧是音乐剧大师韦伯的代表作,该剧以精彩的音乐,惊险的剧情、恐怖的氛围,充满悬念和紧张感,完美的布景,足成为音乐剧中永恒的佳作。 故事一开始是一场拍卖会,其中一只八音盒使老年的拉包尔回到了过去:当时青年拉包尔是歌剧院的出资人,新女歌剧演员克里斯汀与他相爱,一个神秘的声音将克里斯汀带到剧院下面地下湖的幽灵的巢穴,幽灵爱上了她,他开始教她声乐,并为了让剧院使用克里斯汀上演主角,他甚至用恐怖的手段来达到目的。