
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 10:42:25
The choice of application server made on this page determines the next page of the server wizard that is presented. We have shown in Figure 7-3 the page that is loaded when JBoss 4.0.1 is chosen in the first step of the wizard.

The dialog box provided prompts for the location of a configured JRE (which you have just created) and also the location of the application server within the file system. It also prompts for a classpath variable, which can be set to the same location as the application server directory. This immediately makes all the JAR file libraries available within this directory available to your J2EE project.

Eclipse supports the creation of multiple J2EE Runtime Environments, with each environment based upon a different application server installed on the system. Multiple runtime configurations can also be created based on a single installation of an application server. This might be useful if you intend to test your application using the same app

在这页做出的应用服务器选择确定出席服务器巫术师的下页。 我们在表7-3显示了被装载的页,当JBoss 4.0.1在巫术师的第一步时被选择。

对话箱为您创造了)的地点配置的JRE提供了提示(并且应用服务器的地点在文件系统之内。 它也提示对于classpath可变物,可以被设置到地点和应用服务器目录一样。 这立刻做所有瓶子归档图书馆可利用在这个目录之内可利用对您的J2EE项目。

蚀支持多个J2EE运行时间的环境的创作,当每个环境根据在系统安装的一个不同的应用服务器。 多种执行时间的配置可能也被创造根据应用服务器的唯一设施。 如果您打算使用同一个应用服务器,但JRE的不同的版本测试您的应用这也许是有用的。 图7-4显示在系统包含所有安装的服务器运行时间的环境特选页的例子。