请翻译The risk-targeting strategy incorporated in the rule provides for:

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 08:45:15
The risk-targeting strategy incorporated in the rule provides for:

regular sanitary surveys of public water systems to look for significant deficiencies in key operational areas
triggered source-water monitoring when a system that does not sufficiently disinfect drinking water identifies a positive sample during its regular monitoring to comply with existing rules.
implementation of corrective actions by ground water systems with a significant deficiency or evidence of source water fecal contamination
compliance monitoring for systems that are sufficiently treating drinking water to ensure effective removal of pathogens

风险瞄准的战略被合并在规则提供: 公开水系统规则有益健康的勘测寻找重大缺乏在关键操作的区域触发了来源水监视当充足地不消毒饮用水的系统辨认一个正面样品在它的规则监视期间遵照现有的规则。惩治行为的实施由地下水系统以来源水粪便污秽服从监视的重大缺乏或证据为充足地对待饮用水保证病原生物有效的撤除的系统
