
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 00:42:30
关键词:彩叶植物 植物配植 绿化应用

On-leafed plants in the garden with the use of the material standard of living is increasing day by day,People began to put more attention to investment in the environmental quality of life around.It also set higher requirements for the garden.Garden plants planted in the traditional sense is no longer the "greening"There was an urgent need to break through the monotony of the green screen, a more brilliant color developing world.Colorful plants there just to meet this demand, or stem-leafed plants showed very see green leaves, yellow,orange, red, white, silver gray and so on.Rich color-leafed plants greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal.In addition, the fourth quarter may have also leafed ornamental plants.Chinese green-leafed plants in the garden is more durable than the ornamental flower plants resultsMeanwhile leafed plant varieties, fresh dazzling brilliance of the year are "often color-leafed plants category."there in the spring, autumn and winter, respectiv