求Harry Potter的一个场景

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 16:13:37

第三册第十三章 <格兰芬多对拉文克劳>很靠前的几段:

Madam Hooch, who was still overseeing Gryffindor practices to keep an eye on Harry, was just as impressed with the Firebolt as everyone else had been. She took it in her hands before takeoff and gave them the benefit of her professional opinion.

"Look at the balance on it! If the Nimbus series has a fault, it's a slight list to the tail end -- you often find they develop a drag after a few years. They've updated the handle too, a bit slimmer than the Cleansweeps, reminds me of the old Silver Arrows -- a Pity they've stopped making them. I learned to fly on one, and a very fine old broom it was too...."

She continued in this vein for some time, until Wood said, "Er -- Madam Hooch? Is it okay if Harry has the Firebolt back? We need to practice...."



第三册第十三章 哈利用火弩箭参加格兰芬多-拉文克劳的魁地奇赛,比赛开始前:

Madam Hooch, who was still overseei