
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 07:54:06
. Future career jeopardized. The academic life holds pressures that remain prevalent throughout graduate school and into an academic career. Yet, how often have so many struggled for so long, through so much, only because they say to themselves, "soon things will be different." Those pursuing Ph.D.'s to teach at the college level (51%) may be deceiving themselves. A recent study of faculty by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching reveals the intense pressures felt by professors. "Fifty-three percent of those (faculty) under 40 years of age reported that 'my job is a source of considerable personal strain'."{7} They also indicated that "the quality of their work is, in fact, diminished by competing obligations." As one professor confided, the stresses became so unbearable that he was forced to cease his work completely until he recovered from fatigue.

未来事业受损.学术生活压力仍盛行各地举办研究生学术生涯进入.不过,有这么多挣扎多久了这么久,经过这么多,只因为他们说自己"不久情况就不同了"那些追求博士学位的大学任教职(51%),可自欺欺人.最近一项研究学院由卡内基基金会为提高教学教授揭示激烈感受到压力."53%的受(系)40岁以下的报道说'我的工作是一笔可观的个人应变'" 他们还表示,陈春七月3195"工作质量,事实上,削弱竞争义务. "作为一名教授静悄悄,因此,他成了难以承受的压力,被迫停止工作,直到他完全康复疲劳.
