
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 08:22:28

construction是指建筑上面的结构,而structure就泛指结构了,例如组织结构可以称作:unit structure

construction:[U](formal) a thing that has been built or made 建造物;构筑物;制成物;
The summer house was a simple wooden construction.
常用结构:the fabric (of sth)
the basic structure of a building ,such as the walls ,floor and roof (建筑物的)结构(如墙、地面、屋顶)
■[noun] 1.[U,C] the way in which the parts of sth are connected together,arranged or organized; a particular arrangement of parts结构;构造;the structure of the buildings/human body 建筑物/人体结构◇changes in the social and economic structure of society 一个社会在社会结构和经济结构上的变化◇the grammatical structures of a language 一种语言的语法结构◇a career/salary/tax structure 职业/工资/税制结构2.[C]a thing that is made of several parts,especially a building 结构体;(尤指)建筑物;a stone/brick/wooden structure 石/砖/木结构建筑物;3.[U,C]the state of being well organized or planned with all the parts linked together ;a careful plan 精心组织;周密安排;体系;Your essay needs