
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 13:38:32
侧重于他的电影 类似于这种的"蒂姆.波顿不是一位电影的大师,他只是一个独特的怪才,营造着自己怪异而孤独的世界,喜欢的进来,讨厌的可以离去,看他的作品不需要理性的思考,理性太多只会让你觉得影片幼稚无聊,因为影片有的是感性的体会,东西不多,一点点,但如果你心有灵犀,那也足够让自己的心灵与电影一起上路。他的黑暗风格并不是成人式的恐怖效果,而是孩童式的反向视角,人类世界是个恶俗无趣的冷境世界,原本应该阴森恐怖的冥界反而充满了温情。这是蒂姆.波顿的怪趣,同样也是他的视角。

This is similar to the focus on his film "Tim. Bolton is not a film master, he is a unique Critical.create their strange and lonely in the world, like them, can be irritating to leave,His works do not need rational thinking, rational childish and silly film too much would make you feel that,because the film some emotional experiences few things, a little bit, but if you are a god.That would be enough to let your own mind and the road movie together. He is not adult-style in the darkness of terror effectsInstead, children of reverse perspective, the world of mankind is the show boring cold offshore world,supposed to be full of warmth instead of the ghastly terrorist Underworld. This is Tim. Bolton's strange interest.He is also the same perspective. "beetle juice," "Batman," "Edward scissors hand," Knight without a head forth in the "Eide Wood," "the" big fish "the" skeleton bride, "" Charlie and the Chocol