
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 19:47:55

Don't pay any attention to those offers, In the US there are crooked Websited set up by criminals to extort money from people who are innocent. They will ask you to send money and then disapear later on, after you send the money you will not hear anything from them. They assume that people are greedy for money, so these Lotto schemes are just scams to steal people money. OK!, the only legitimate Lotto is the ones that National Government sets up. In the USA there are many Government Lotto, sometime I play it too, and a few times I won some money, however not the big prize. Any other Lotto is usually set up by gansters or crooks.

大致的意思就是:不要相信这些网站,在美国有很多这样的骗钱,欺诈的网站。他们利用人们觉得自己中奖很Surprise,然后要求你给他们送点钱,然后就杳无音讯,然后就失踪。 唯一一个合法的Lotto 是国家政府设立的,美国有好多家政府的Lotto,我也偶尔玩过几把,偶尔我也赢些小钱。其它任何的非官方的Lotto 都是骗人,不可信的。

