
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 06:17:43

Hou Yi (后羿) was a great archer(射手) and architect(建筑家), who shot down nine extra(多余的) suns that had suddenly appeared in the sky and thus(因此) kept the earth from being scorched(烤焦). He also built a palace of jade(翡翠) for the Goddess of the Western Heaven(西王母). For this, he was rewarded with a pill containing the elixir(长生不老药) of immortality(不朽), but with strings attached--he must fast(斋戒) and pray for a year before taking it. His wife, Chang E (嫦娥), whose beauty was surpassed(超过) only by her curiosity, discovered and swallowed(吞) the pill and in no time soared(高飞) to the moon and became a permanent(永久) resident(居民) there. Upon reaching the moon, Chang E, in dismay(沮丧), coughed up the pill, which turned into a jade rabbit that, day and night, pounds out a celestial(天上的) elixir for the immortals.

Another permanent lunar resident of Chinese origin(出身) is Wu Kang (吴刚), a shiftless(偷懒的) fellow who changed apprenticeships(学徒年限) all the time before disappointing(使失望) his last ma