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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 18:26:36

World Peace
Sing It Sing It Loud 爽就好
不管有什么天气 We Ganna Have A Party
Show Some Love 一点的爱情
Have A Litte World Peace

昨天在工作的路上 我发觉世界不太和平

It don't even matter what you look like
秃头 alright
丑的要命 没有必要 哦哦哦
发型怪怪 走路又怪怪
那么无聊 Look at them 哦哦哦
哦哦哦 别哇哇叫 Please no more
There arm wars in Africa
If your dad , wears high sox
Uses brylcream
And cheaper than un that's cool
If your mama goes out with a white
witch the bright red lips, that's cool
If you're fat little kid in middle school
Everybody be wanting to pick on you
Relax one day , you'll get them back
I told you , that you would

如果真的要没事东管西管 何不自己先常垃圾分类处理
It doesn't matter how you wanna play all
night all day
如果你不会 别说 哦哦哦
Pink hair red hair long hair no hair
Like ho