来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 12:18:33
贝多芬(LUDWIG VON BEETHOVERR,1770-1827)出生于德国波恩的一个音乐世家,在父亲逼迫下,4岁开始苦练钢琴和小提琴.1787年,贝多芬前往维也纳拜见莫扎特,莫扎特听了其演奏说"这位少年即将震动世界".1795年首次在维也纳以作曲家及钢琴家身份登台.1798-1800年除教授钢琴外.埋头作曲.1800年4月举行作品音乐会,确立了作曲家的地位.此时,他的听力逐渐衰退.因耳聋的恐惧和失恋,1802年欲自杀.后终于克服危机,振奋精神,继续作曲.此后10余年,他经历了思想和生活的激烈动荡(拿破伦称帝.数次失恋等).至1819年完全失聪,任以顽强的毅力写下了第三至第八交响曲,第四第五钢琴协奏曲等作品,反映出动荡不安和矛盾冲突.晚年生活仍多不幸,疾病缠身,经济困难,但仍写出《庄严弥撒曲》、第九交响曲等杰作.贝多芬是跨两个世纪,连接古典乐派和浪漫两种乐派的巨匠.其创作牢牢扎根于古典传统,具有音乐逻辑感,结构均匀感和宏伟音乐的气概.由于社会变革的要求和自身的才能,他也大大发展和改变了古典音乐,成为浪漫乐派的源头.


Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, into a musical family, the father is forced to.violin and piano training began at the age of 4. 1787, in Vienna to pay his respects to Mozart to Beethoven.After listening to their performances of Mozart said, "The juvenile will shock the world." 1795 in Vienna, the first time in his capacity as a composer and pianist program. 1798-1800, in addition to teaching piano. buried composer. music concerts held in April 1800.established the composer's status. At this time, he's hearing gradually wane. deafness due to the fear and romance.1802 wishing to commit suicide. After finally overcoming the crisis, have a fighting spirit and continue composer. After more than 10 years,He experienced a fierce ideological and turbulent life (Napoleonic under control. several romance, etc.). 1819 to total deafness.indomitable willpower office wrote a third to the eighth symphony, the Fourth Piano Concerto and other works.reflect the turmoil and conf