
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 20:36:00
This carrion-feeding and cowardly Dog is a near relative to the Wolf, but is much smaller and lives only in the warm regions of Asia and Africa.
According to the natives, the African jackals actually help lions to find their prey-and it is well known that lions do not seem to resent the presence of jackals when they are having a meal. The jackals wait until the lion has finished, and then help themselves to what remains. A jackal’s cry is a long, wailing, blood-curling howl. A cry from one member of the pack is enough to set the whole pack shrieking, a chorus which is kept up through most of the night.
Some 2400 miners were on the day shift last Tuesday morning at the Kinross gold mine, 65 miles from Johannesburg. A welding team was repairing a broken track for one of the trains that help carry gold ore to the surface. Suddenly, an acetylene tank sparked and flared. Flames swept through the tunnel, igniting plastic-covered wiring, Which in turn set fire to polyurethane foam t


上个星期二早上在距离约翰内斯堡65英里的肯若斯金矿有约2400名矿工上白天工。一队焊工正在修补一节损坏了的,运黄金到地表的火车车轨。突然一个乙炔罐冒出火花并烧了起来。火焰扫过隧道点着了包着塑料的配线,配线又点燃了为了保持墙壁干燥和坚固的聚亚安酯泡沫材料。几分钟之内矿管之内充满了含有塑料燃烧产生的毒气的浓厚黑烟。憋闷着的矿工们立刻跌倒并死于窒息。当最初的9 1/2 小时的救援行动结束时,有177人死亡,一人失踪,235人受伤 -- 肯若斯矿灾成为南非历史上最严重的金矿灾。遇难者中除五人外全部是黑人,而以黑人占大多数的国家工会公开指责矿里的“难以接受的低安全标准”。实际上,去年肯若斯就失掉了它顶尖的安全等级。但是金矿的总经理表示被引燃的塑料一直被认为是安全的。目前政府调查正在进行中。
