
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 04:53:16
You look in my eyes.And I get emotimal inside .I know it is crazy but you still can touch my heart ,And after all this time .You should think that I would not feel the same, But time melts into nothing .And nothing is changed. I still believe ,someday you and me will find ourselves in love again ,I hanve a dream :Each day of my life ,I am filled with all the joy I could find, you know thant I am not the desperate type . If there is one spark of hope left in by grasp ,I will hold it with both hands, It is worth the risk of burining .To have a second chance ,I need you baby ,I still believe that we can be together . If we believe that true love never has to end. Then we must know that we will love again.

你看着我的眼睛,我从中找到感动. 我知道这很疯狂, 但经历了这么长的时间,你依然可以触动我的心. 你大概认为我已经不再会有当初的感觉了, 但时间并没有冲淡什么, 所有的事情依然没有改变. 我依然相信, 有一天你和我会再次相爱! 我有一个梦: 生命的每天我都尽力发掘快乐把它填满. 你知道我不是悲观的人, 我会用双手紧握我能抓住的每一线希望.哪怕赴汤蹈火.

再给我一次机会吧~! 我需要你,宝贝. 我依然相信我们会在一起. 如果我们相信真爱永恒, 那么就一定要相信---你和我会再次相爱!
