
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 08:51:25
1. 我为人比较随和,崇尚理性思考,注重细节,追求完美。
2. 在大学期间我学习认真、塌实,专业课成绩优良,曾多次获过二等三等奖学金。
3. 锻炼了我的逻辑思考能力和判断能力。
4. 我相信通过自身的不断积累与坚定的信念以及高度的责任感、良好的适应能力、学习能力,会把未来的工作做得令人满意的。


1.I am an easy-going person . I prefer rationally thinking and concern about details to pursue perfect.
2.During my schooling in the university I studied very hard and did well in my majored courses. I also got second and third scholarships at that time.
3.This strenghens my ability in logical thinking and judgement.
4. I believe that with my high responsibility, firm relief,excellent adaptiveness and study abilities I can perform well in my future job.