
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 20:13:35


圣诞节(Christmas)字面上的意义是庆祝基督。“基督”(Christ)是源于希腊文,意思是“受膏者”, 是神为了一种特别的目的而分别出来为他所使用的人。“基督”一词相当于希伯来文的弥赛亚(Messiah)。根据于古代先知的话所说的,第一世记的犹太人就期待着神所应许的弥赛亚来到。他们相信弥赛亚是一位伟大的解放者。
Christmas is the Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, who Christians believe is the Son of God.
The story of Christmas can be found in two Gospels of the New Testament, the books of St. Matthew and St. Luke. It is from these accounts that many of the symbols and traditions of the holiday grew.
Christmas is a religious holiday, and in the United States the traditions surrounding Christmas have provided the basis for a secular Winter festival of celebration and gift giving.
The early Christian Church celebrated on January 6th, and in the fourth century took over the pagan winter solstice celebration on December 25. The birthday of