msdfmap是个什么东西 我每次启动电脑时候就自动出来了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 16:03:51
启动电脑时候自动就出来个 msdfmap 我查了查 是 windows目录里的东西 打开看里面内容是 ;[connect name] will modify the connection if ADC.connect="name"
;[connect default] will modify the connection if name is not found
;[sql name] will modify the Sql if ADC.sql="name(args)"
;[sql default] will modify the Sql if name is not found
;Override strings: Connect, UserId, Password, Sql.
;Only the Sql strings support parameters using "?"
;The override strings must not equal "" or they are ignored
;A Sql entry must exist in each sql section or the section is ignored
;An Access entry must exist in each connect section or the section is ignored
;[userlist name] allows specific users to have special access
;The Access is computed as follows:
; (1) First take the access of the connect section.
; (2) If a user entry is found, it will override.

[connect def

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