渠道 英文解释

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 13:12:12

你说的是否是 channel? 以下是几个解释,希望对你有用:

The bed of a stream or river.

The deeper part of a river or harbor, especially a deep navigable passage.

A broad strait, especially one that connects two seas.

A trench, furrow, or groove.

A tubular passage for liquids; a conduit.

A course or pathway through which information is transmitted: new channels of thought; a reliable channel of information.

A route of communication or access. Often used in the plural: took her request through official channels.

In communications theory, a gesture, action, sound, written or spoken word, or visual image used in transmitting information.

Electronics. A specified frequency band for the transmission and reception of electromagnetic signals, as for television signals.

Computer Science. A site on a network, as on IRC, where online conversations are held in real time by a number of comp