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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 15:52:32

Holland people are becoming more and more worried about their domestic life. Some voters believe that ever since the euro appeared in 2002, prices have been going up, which makes them feel cheated. They are concerned about life condition decreasing, about huge amount of immigrants after the EU expanded, and about losing their national characteristics.

Dutch people are feeling worried increasingly about the domestic lives.Some voters think that they are seem to be decieved for the stagflation since the euro appeared in 2002, They feel worried about the standard of their living will lower, the huge migration of people into Holland after teh Eu has enlarged, and they also feel worried they will lose theirnational character

The Hollanders are getting worried about the domestic life. Some citizens think after the appearance of Euro in 2002, the prices were raised, and there was a feeling as if being cheated. They worried about the decreasing of living standard, wor