
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 22:42:50

'I blagged my way through, reading a torn-up textbook and ad libbing'
By Stewart Payne and Becky Barrow
(Filed: 19/02/2004)

An Oxford engineering student was surprised but undaunted when he was approached to deliver a series of lectures in Beijing on global economics.

Matthew Richardson knew "next to nothing" about the subject but, believing he would be addressing a sixth-form audience, he felt he could "carry it off".

Mr Richardson bluffed his way through the lectures
Mr Richardson, 23, borrowed an A-level textbook entitled An Introduction to Global Financial Markets from a library and swotted up on its contents on the flight from London to China.

From it he prepared a two-hour presentation, believing he had to deliver the same lecture several times over to different groups of students over three days.

Mr Richardson, who has the same name as a New York University professor who is a le