
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 04:30:57

Computer: Blessing or Curse?-电脑的利弊
Computer: Blessing or Curse?
Looking back on the past 20th century, we human beings have every reason to take pride in all those great achievements.We have conquered many diseases, launched satellites, invented mobile phones... However, the advent of computer, together with the internet, is considered the most significant and has caused a thorough revolution in people's lives.
When the first computer came into being in 1946, it was proclaimed the beginning of a new era in human history. The marvelous invention coupled with Internet plays a vital role in today's society.
Nowadays, businessmen depend substantially on computers. In the database of the banks, the information of thousands of millions of accounts is stored accurately. The B2B system of the Ford Car Company controlled completely by computers,makes it possible for the whole company to coordinate efficiently, thus it keeps the costs to the lowest level. Stock