
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 12:52:56


The application of exclamatory sentence is to deepen people's memory, and thus arouse their intense resonance and surprised exultation.

An exclamatory sentence is used to express astonishment or extreme emotion, which can let people have the same feeling.

Feel deeply about the usage of the sentence, the aim is deepenning memory, causing the total 鸣 of people's mightiness with surprised and pleased.

感叹句的使用,旨在加深记忆 An exclamatory sentence is used to express astonishment or extreme emotion, 引起人们强烈的共鸣与惊喜which can let people have the same feeling.

the purpose of exclamation is to emphasize, hence trigger strong emotional response such as approval and bewilderment in the reader.