
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 10:39:47
Our outer while loop executes until the user says she wishes to stop:

bool next_seq = true;
while ( next_seq == true )
// ...
if ( try_again == 'N' || try_again == 'n' )
next_seq = false;
Were next_seq initialized to false, the statement block would not be
executed. The nested while loop allowing our user multiple guesses
behaves similarly.

Our outer while loop executes until the user says she wishes to stop: //这句的意思是while语句一直执行,直到用户限定的条件不满足为止

bool next_seq = true;
while ( next_seq == true )
// ...
if ( try_again == \'N\' || try_again == \'n\' )
next_seq = false;
} //这是程序段,首先声明一个bool形变量next_seq并设初值为真(true),{}之间的是当条件next_seq == true 满足时要做的事,最后的if语句(据本人猜测)可能是程序中要求用户输入一个符号表示\"是(y)或(n)否\",然后判断输入的到底是是还是否,若输入的是否则把next_seq改为false,此时while语句执行条件便不再满足了。