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nternet banking Bricks 'n' clicks 网络银行 虚实结合

Internet banking

Bricks 'n' clicks

Feb 1st 2007 | NEW YORK
From The Economist print edition

Citigroup gets to work on an Egg

“IF YOUR bank could start over, this is what it would be.” So went the tagline of WingspanBank.com, the internet-only outfit launched by Bank One (now part of JPMorgan Chase) in 1999. But rather than revolutionising banking, it folded its cyber-wings within two years, not long after Citigroup pulled the plug on Citi f/i, its own online venture.
1999年,Bank One (现为JPMorgan Chase的分支)银行建立WingspanBank.com机构,专一于网络业务。“重新开始,合其所愿”,是其打出的口号。然而它非但没有给银行业带来革命,而且在互联网翱翔不到两年便已折翼。在此之前,花旗银行的网络冒险“Citi f/i”也惨遭自宫。

Now Citi is at it again. Its decision on January 29th to buy Egg, a struggling internet bank owned by Prudential, a British insurer, puts another nail in the coffin of standalone internet banking. The deal,