
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 08:55:26


The Colosseum is famous all over the world and, together with the She-wolf, is a symbol of Rome. Its name comes from the golden bronze colossus which Nero wanted to be built as his portrait: the real name of the monument is Flavius amphitheatre.
It was built during the reign of Vespasiano and it was unveiled in 80 A.D. by Tito; the front is 50 mt [164 feet] high, the internal elliptical arena is 86x54 mt [282x177 feet]; the amphitheatre could lodge 50.000 spectators, it was covered with a huge curtain (velarium) to protect people from the sun.
A lot of spectators watched fighting among gladiators (munera): those called Reziari used to fight with nets and tridents, Sanniti with a short sword, Traci with shield and gladius; moreover there were fights with wild beasts (venationes) and christian martyrs till Costantino made Christianity the empire's official religion in 313 A.D.. Apparently the arena was even flooded to simulate sea-battles.