介绍华尔兹 英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 10:28:22

The waltz (G.: Walzer, It.: Valzer, Fr.: Valse, Cat.: Vals) is a ballroom and folk dance in 3/4 (help·info) time, done primarily in closed position. The most common basic figure of a waltz is a full turn in two measures using three steps per measure.

The waltz first became fashionable in Vienna around the 1780s, spreading to many other countries in the years to follow. The waltz, and especially its closed position, became the example for the creation of many other ballroom dances. Subsequently, new types of waltz have developed, including many folk and several ballroom dances.

Various styles of waltz
In contemporary ballroom dance, the fast versions of the waltz are called Viennese Waltz.
International Standard Waltz has only closed figures; that is, the couple never leaves closed position.
The American Style Waltz, in contrast to the International Standard Waltz, involves breaking contact almost entirely in some figures. For example, the Synco