
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/04 11:24:11
Excuse me。This is my 名片(card吗,是否还有更正是的)。我能要一张您的名片吗?

This is my card. Could I have one of your cards, please?
I am the president's secretary of xx organisation. we xx organisation/group advocates science and values the importance of education. We are passionate about public wellfare; we are pro globalisation; we promote peaceful relationships between countires and equal respect for different religions. For more information about our group please click on our website www.xxx.com.cn

名片一般说business card.

Could I have your business card, please?

I'm the president's secretary of xxx organisation. The xxx organisation advocates science, attachs great importance to education, keens on social charities,pros the global integrity and living in harmony and peace between countries as well as shows the respect to different religions. Please click our website www