我是一名大三英语专业准备论文的学生 关于社会女性的成功 类似如玫琳凯 雅芳的艾碧小姐等等最好是英文资料

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 08:48:05
我是一名大三英语专业准备论文的学生 关于社会女性的成功 类似如玫琳凯 雅芳的艾碧小姐等等 最好是英文方面的资料 其他关于现代女性如何通过自己的努力在社会上取得一席之地等等 类似巾帼不让须眉之类的成功例子等等 最好是英文的哦 ^_^

不要急于关,我觉得华裔女性中最杰出的是一个华人的工会主席,连美国总统都佩服她,还有一个是华裔女性 靳宇西,真出色的女性,我回头想想,发给你!


Andrea Jung (钟彬娴, pinyin: Zhōng Bīnxián) (born 1959) is a Chinese-American business executive born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her mother is a Shanghai-born chemical engineer-turned concert pianist. Jung's father is a Hong Kong-born partner at an architectural firm. He also taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Andrea Jung was raised in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Andrea Jung is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Avon Products, Inc, promoted to the position in November of 1999. Before her election to the position, she served as President and Chief Operating Officer over all business units of Avon worldwide. She has also held a position as a member of the company's Board of Directors since 1998.

During her tenure as Chairman of the Board and CEO, she has successfully helped define the Avon's company vision as "The

我是一名大三英语专业准备论文的学生 关于社会女性的成功 类似如玫琳凯 雅芳的艾碧小姐等等最好是英文资料 我是一名大一的学生,英语专业,大四准备考研 我是一名大三英语专业的学生,相当一名律师,是需要参加司法考试还是先靠一个法律硕士 我是一名大三的学生,准备考研,请问一下北师大人文地理的实力如何? 我是一名英语专业毕业的学生 我是一名在校本科的大三学生,我准备考研 急急急!!!我是一名在校的大三学生,想去日本留学,需要准备什么。 我是一名武汉理工大学大三下学期的学生,今年准备考研,请高人指点 我是一名英语专业的大三女生,选了商务方向,请大家给我一些考研建议,谢谢啊! 我是一名英语专业的学生,快要大三了!想买电脑,希望大家给点建议!本人万分感谢!