谁有宇航服的结构说明? 中英对照版

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 04:12:17

A spacesuit structure:(太空服的结构:)
The outer white cover a thermal micrometeoroid garment underneath pressure retention garment protects its wearer from the vacuum of space.白色保温、防微陨石撞击的衣服外套在压力保持衣之下,它使穿着者和真空隔离。

On the back,portable life support system, keeps the astronaut alive for about four and a half hours.在背上是便携生活供应系统,它使宇航员生存四个半小时。

The protective clothes an astronaut wears when he/she works outside the spacecraft.当他或她在外太空工作的时候,宇航员穿着保护服。

Generally speaking(一般来说),spacesuit(太空服) consists of (由……组成)oxygen tank(氧气缸),ball bearings(can be found in the shoulder for easier movement)(肩上的轴承,使活动更方便),pipe for oxygen supply(氧气供应管),piston to control pressure(控制压力活塞),water-cooled underwear to control body temperature by conduction(液体冷却通风衣料,透过传导调节体温),urine collection device(尿液收集器),tinted visor to reflect radiation(反射辐射的染色面罩),the outermost garment (is shiny to reflect radiation)(反光的最外层的太空外衣层,反射辐射),controls for the backpack(背包控制器),glove(手套),pocket for rock sample