actor computer programmer basketball player 急急急急急

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 08:39:38
⒈computer programmer电脑工程师
⒉basketball player 篮球运动员

用⒊句话(内容随便)... 来形容 以上.. ⒍个单词

卟用太长 ... 容易点就行..

比如.. engineer 工程师 这个工作比较无聊..

每个单词 ⒊句话形容.. 顺便把你di句子翻译好... 也把每句标好序号..!!!!!! 急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!

1.Computer programmer is one of the newly-emerged career,as well as very profits bringing.It tops the IT industry.电脑工程师是新兴职业,有着丰厚的报酬,他是IT行业中的上层人物. player is very physically strict,requiring tough training and persistence,and mainly male.篮球运动员对身体素质要求很高,并且有严格的持续训练,运动员中大多数都是男性
3.Pilot is one of the most technique requiring need to go through many years of training to finally get the certificate.飞行员是一种技术含量非常高的职业.想成为飞行员必须要经过很多年的学习和训练,最后才能拿到职业证书
4.Engineer is mainly concerned about science,he needs to be good at physical, math, ect..工程师主要涉及科学领域,他需要对物理,数学等学科非常精通.
5.Teacher is one of the most noble job that ever been created.It requires patiences,devotions as well as insights to individual's talents.医生是一种贵族职业,它需要有耐心,奉献精神以及个人敏锐的观察力和洞察力.
6.Being an actress might bring you a lot of money,but first of all, you need to be really talented.It not only needs a naturally gifted appearance but also passion and enthusiasm.作为女演员会带给你许多金钱,但是首先你必须要有天赋,另外不