
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 12:27:21
论刑讯逼供的成因及对策: 随着人类社会文明的进步与发展,司法文明已成为衡量一个社会文明程度的一个重要尺度。然而,在我国当前司法时实践中,刑讯逼供行为屡禁不止,致人重伤、死亡的事件时有发生,甚至无辜之人被判死刑的也是屡见不鲜。回顾中国漫长的历史,中国一直走的重人治轻人权的道路,刑讯逼供的现象相当长的时间里长时间合法存在。任何一种社会现象都不是孤立存在的,有多种社会原因和社会自身文化所形成的。中国刑讯逼供屡禁不止的原因是多方面的。改革开放二十多年来,中国的经济、文化、人权、法制等多方面实现了飞速发展,使刑讯逼供这一现象,得以有效的改变,正在向着好的方面发展。本文在研究分析刑讯逼供的危害及成因的基础之上,结合我国的司法实际与国情,借鉴了国外的一些法律制度规定,提出了我国遏制刑讯逼供的基本对策。 关键词:刑讯逼供;刑事诉讼;沉默权;强迫自证其罪

On the extortion of confessions by torture, with the causes and solutions : the progress and development of human civilization. civilization has become an important measure of a society's level of civilization scale. However, when the current judicial practice in China, extorting confessions by torture, in spite of repeated prohibitions, which resulted in injuries and deaths occur from time to time. even innocent people sentenced to death is not uncommon. Recalling the long history of China, China has taken the road of human rights in light of the emphasis on the rule of man. Only a quite a long time time to exist legally. No social phenomenon is not isolated, a variety of social causes and the community formed its own culture. There are many reasons for the extortion of confessions by torture to happen in China. 20 years of reform and opening up, China's economy, culture, human rights, rule of law and other aspects of achieving rapid development. so extorting confessions by