
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 07:04:09
Synthesized from choline and acetyl-CoA
Synthesis takes place mainly in terminals of axon
Nitric oxide by product of conversion of amino acid arginine to citrulline, as gas can pass through any membrane and thus cannot be stored
Carbon monoxide split from heme by heme oxygenase, present in hippocampus and olfactory bulb

Neurotransmitters nervous system
Why so many?
The response of a neuron to a neurotransmitter determined by the receptor to which transmitter binds, therefore no obvious functional explanation for why so many needed
· explanation may be evolutionary, brain evolved by random variation and natural selection, mutations in membrane proteins may have yeilded molecules that respond to various chemical substances that nerves happen to release, particular neurotransmitter systems evolved because different chemicals happened to best serve neurons that had specific functions
Neurotransmitters have specific

乙酰胆碱的合成和乙酰辅酶A合成主要发生在一氧化氮的轴突终端产品精氨酸转化为瓜氨酸氨基酸、 由于气膜,从而可以穿过任何不能储存一氧化碳分裂出去的血红素血红素氧化、 目前海马和嗅球神经系统递质为什么这么多? 一个反应由神经递质受体有哪些约束力发射机、 因此,没有明显的功能解释为什么这么多的解释可能需要●进化、 大脑进化的自然选择和随机变异, 膜蛋白基因突变可能已分出分子,对各种化学物质释放到神经发生, 尤其神经系统发生演变为市民提供最佳的服务,因为不同的化学神经递质所具有特定功能的具体分布在大脑的例子: ●交感神经节后神经释放乙酰胆碱, 丁所有自主神经节前神经系统释放去甲肾上腺素交感神经节后神经●●GABA的释放和小脑皮质神经当地●肽常常互相●GABA能神经分布于脑干的多巴胺神经递质主要用于天文●节前全部自主神经递质乙酰胆碱, 丁副交感神经节后神经元,节后交感神经的神经递质ephinephrine●至少3其他经典递质、多巴胺、血清素, ●一丁氨基丁酸涉及品类互相发报,包括神经肽、ATP的一个 四氧化亚氮确定某些神经分布histoflourescenceflouresce当胺类化合物,chatecholamines或胺、美 分布地图署脑部免疫蛋白注入到哺乳动物利益(常常兔)从而诱使使抗体抗体摘自兔、博 und以标示,含有蛋白质组织摊大饼感兴趣, 两步程序进行抗体抗体可以用来信号放大原位杂交含指示标签信使RNA的蛋白质感兴趣,特 数据库是比较可靠的免疫