谁知道LE CHIC这个牌子啊?好不好啊?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 20:07:58

  Product information

  Le Chic在法语中的含义为优雅中带着朴素的时尚,她是一个关于梦想的品牌......
  创始人Ms.Palmyra是一位对美丽事物有特殊灵感并执著追求的女性,简约、优雅、时尚是她长期以来所青睐的风格。在Ms.Palmyra的眼里,美丽高雅不应只是少数人的专利,每一位女性都有权梦想美丽并坚持去实现。于是,Le Chic成为一个载体,成为一个传播美丽,承载梦想的载体。
  当Le Chic以首饰的形势出现时,她已完全打破了传统的理念,任意一款都已不再是单纯意义上的耳环、吊坠、胸针或是手链,每一个拥有它的人都可以充分运用自己的智慧与对美的理解,将其佩戴在身体或服装的任一部位,来体现完全属于自己的风情与韵味。
  Le Chic是平和的,她如同你一样,美丽中闪现着知性的力量,时尚中渗透着个性的光彩。

  Crystals and pearls
  - All crystals are genuine Swarovski Crystals. Swarovski supplies about three quarters of the world's full lead crystal, and is a technological leader in its field.
  - All pearls are imitation.

  Cubic Zirconia
  - Cubic Zirconia was discovered in its natural state in 1937, but has not been found again since then. It was not until the 1970s that scientists learned how to grow the crystals synthetically. Thus it is not a mineral. Unlike most diamonds CZ is flawless. It is also more soft and brittle than diamo