
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 11:50:55

西方称熊猫为“panda”,《牛津简明字典》说这一词源出于印度,其实,“panda”是尼泊尔语,它指的是小熊猫,大熊猫的英文全称应是“Giant panda”。

The red panda is a smaller relative of the Giant Panda. Like the giant panda, scientists are not sure where to classify the red panda. It has similarities to both Procyonidae (raccoons) and Ursidae (bears). Currently it is classified as Ursidae though some scientists believe it should have its own family. The red panda is usually red on its upper surface and black underneath. The face is white with black "tear" tracks under each eye. The Red panda has a long, furry tail with alternating light and dark rings. This tail is not prehensile. Like the giant panda, the red panda has an elongated bone in its wrist that functions as a thumb and allows it to grab food. The red panda is very agile and uses its tail for balance when climbing.

Though classified as carnivorous, the red panda primarily eats mostly bamboo, though berries, mushrooms, grasses, and bark