能不能给我说一下 简爱 的英文简介可以找到

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 11:44:49

Jane Eyre uncle live in the home of parents of premature deaths, died uncle, aunt her to the orphanage came Sangenfeierde. When the hero's family teachers Roache Mr. Secretary, Mr. Roache temper strange, after several contacts, Jane Eyre, falling in love with him. In their marriage, Mason broke into the castle to the top floor of a small house that the crazy woman is the wife of Mr. Roache Division. Jane Eyre as his mistress not left SANG En Benfield. Pastor went to a remote place in the village to help find a job. Jane Eyre put the priests to marry, she reminded Mr. Roache Division. When back at the castle ruins SANG En Benfield. Jane Eyre went live Fending Roache Mr. Secretary, Mr. Secretary Roache Pudao of the tower…… Jane Eyre graduated from the school, I think, Mr. Manor in Rochester were looking for a tutor for the work, education Rochester's daughter. In this process, they love the sparks fly, but two wedding day. Mr. Rochester was informed of the accident and his wif