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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 04:33:09
1. “千年礼乐归东鲁,万古衣冠拜素王。”孔子诞生于尼山,成长于阙里,设教于杏坛,出仕于鲁都,归葬于泗上,在曲阜留下了众多的活动遗迹,后人又兴建了许多纪念建筑。至汉武帝“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”时,孔子的思想得到了空前的光大,成了后世历代王朝治理国家的正统思想,儒家祖庭曲阜孔庙成为列入国家祀典的礼制庙宇。

"Millennium ceremonial final East headquarters, vancomycin-attire thanks to Wang. "Confucius was born in Nepal Hill, who grew up in the campaign, set up teaching in the field of education. Lu are in official career, buried in Sibu, leaving a large number of relics in Qufu generation, the construction of many Memorial Building. Han Wudi to "oust 100 Confucianism", an unprecedented Everbright Confucian ideology. later dynasties to rule the country became the orthodox thinking. An Inquiry into the Confucian Temple in Qufu Sidian become a national ritual temple.
