
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 20:48:47

Studying with the Computer

In an age of mass advertising, when everything "new" is supposedly "improved," too, instructors should beware of claims of education made "new and improved." Whenever adopting new technology, they should consider their old purpose: promoting study. An English instructor, for instance, can justify computer use only insofar as students can use it for purposeful reading and learning

Adding to Study and Discussion

For millennia, independent study has led students to knowledge. From Pythagoras to Picasso, from Confucius to Shakespeare, from the self- made scholar King Alfred to Martin Luther King, independent thinkers have searched for truths. Since the Renaissance, scholars have stressed "research." Now the computer extends "research-oriented" activity (Cotton, 1996). On their own modest searches, students now can access online libraries, museums, databases, and indices for pri