
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 18:56:36

Nowadays college students and undergraduates spend most of their time and efforts to play games. Namely online and video games. As a matter of fact, some of them are totally addicted to them and lost themselves. This leads to the attention to lots of people. Soon some disputative arguements arouse. Should we put this to a stop or should we just that it be? In my very own opinion, playing games had became a kind of common practice to we adolescents. Our lifes are teemed with more enthusium because of their existence. And we can experience more fantastic and trilling feelings with the growing standard of the games. To consider it a menace or blessing, i think it depends on the way you treat it. I had seen many students who lost themselves. But i had seen many students who made themselves successful while did n t abandon playing games too. Why is that so? It is probably because of self-controling. Playing games doesn't seem to be more harmful than watching television. Playing games