
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 07:26:23
The Man who almost destroyed Islam – Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan attacked the Persian Muslim Khwarazmian empire of Samarkand to avenge the attacks being launched by the Arab and Persian Muslims in to Tartary (Central Asia). His intention was not primarily to loot, but to destroy the enemy. Had the Mongols been motivated purely by intentions of looting the Caliphate (which ironically was itself a center where loot was collected and stored by the Muslims), the Mongols need not have traversed some four thousand miles from their homeland in Mongolia, to reach Baghdad, they could have as well attacked nearby Japan and Korea which were hardly a few hundred miles from their homeland and were more rich and endowed than Baghdad.

Genghis Khan was the man who led the Mongol attack on Islamdom. He was followed by his grandson Hulagu (or Halaku) Khan. These two bold visionaries liberated all of Persia and most of Mesopotamia from the yoke of Islam and almost destroyed Islam.

几乎摧毁了回教的人--成吉思汗汗. 成吉思汗汗攻击波斯帝国的回教khwarazmian撒马尔罕报仇发动袭击正在阿拉伯和波斯的穆斯林到Tartary(中亚). 其目的主要是为了不哄抢,而是消灭敌人. 已被蒙古人的动机纯粹是意图抢劫的哈里发(如心却被自己收集和储存的掠夺回教徒) 蒙古人不用走过4000英里家园一些蒙古到达巴格达 他们也可以就近进攻几乎被日本和韩国数百英里家园,并赋予比巴格达更为丰富. 汗是成吉思汗率领的蒙古文攻islamdom. 他接着他的孙子旭烈兀汗(或halaku). 这两大胆解放有识之士都来自波斯和大部分达米亚枷锁几乎摧毁伊斯兰教和伊斯兰教. 成吉思汗汗攻击波斯帝国的回教khwarazmian撒马尔罕报仇发动袭击正在阿拉伯和波斯的穆斯林到Tartary(中亚). 其目的主要是为了不哄抢,而是消灭敌人. 已被蒙古人的动机纯粹是意图抢劫的哈里发(如心却被自己收集和储存的掠夺回教徒) 蒙古人不用走过4000英里家园一些蒙古到达巴格达 他们也可以就近进攻几乎被日本和韩国数百英里家园,并赋予比巴格达更为丰富. 蒙古族骑手的真实原因,开始了自己从蒙古地区击退了穆斯林从今天所称为哈萨克斯坦 乌兹别克,塔吉克,土库曼,终于到达伊朗、伊拉克和叙利亚的说辞在于, 野蛮残酷和其它穆斯林曾使用犯规战术,改用土耳其人和蒙古人伊斯兰教这使得逐步积累苦涩,渴望报复回教徒在土耳其人及其相关部族蒙古人. 犯规战术对付回教徒和他们的传奇残酷乌兹别克、塔吉克族、哈萨克族、 导致了蒙古人入侵伊朗和伊拉克从第七至第十三世纪许多波斯拜火教, 波斯景教基督徒,土族 中国和蒙古人曾在自己料理委屈穆斯林用来反对野蛮而改用非穆斯林人口波斯和中亚回教.